Wednesday 20 December 2017





Q.1) A field is in the form of parallelogram has sides 60 m and 40 m and one of its diagonals is 80 m long. Find the area of parallelogram using hero’s formula.

Q.2) The perimeter of a triangle field is 420 m and sides are in ratio 6: 7: 8. Find the area of triangular field using hero’s formula.

Q.3) The perimeter of a triangle is 50 cm. one side of a triangle is 4 cm longer than the smaller side and the third side is 6 cm less than twice the smaller side. Find the area of triangular field using hero’s formula.

Q.4) A rhombus shaped sheet with perimeter 40 cm and one diagonal 12 cm, is painted on both sides at the rate of Rs.5 per m2. Find the cost of painting. (use heron’s formula to calculate area)

Q.5) A design is made on a rectangular tile of dimensions 50 cm X 70 cm as shown in below figure. The design shows 8 triangles, each of side 26 cm, 17 cm and 25 cm. Find the total area of design and the remaining area of tile.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

class 9 / maths


Q.1) ABCDE is a pentagon. A line through B parallel to AC meets DC produced at F.
 Show ar (∆ ACB) = ar(∆  ACF).

Q.2) In the given figure, PQR and QST are two triangles such that S is the mid-point of QR. and QT // PR.

Q.3) ABCD is a Quadrilateral. A line through D, parallel to AC, meets BC produced in P as shown in figure. Prove that ar( ABP) = ar(Quad ABCD).

Q.4) In a triangle ABC, D is the mid-point of AB. P is any point of BC. CQ || PD meets AB in Q. Show that

Q.5) Prove that area ( AFG) = ½ area(BDEF).

Q.6) If D, E and F are the mid points of sides AB, BC and AC respectively then show that
(i) area (∆ ADE) = area (∆ AFE)
(ii) area (∆ BDE) = area (∆ CEF)
(iii) area (ADEF) = ½ area (∆ ABC)

Q7) In ∆ ABC, D is the mid-point of BC, E is the mid-point of BD. If „O‟ is the mid-point of AE, prove that
 ar (∆ BOE) = (1/8) ar (∆ ABC).

Q.8) In the given figure E is the midpoint of BC and D is the midpoint of AE. PEDB and QEDC are parallelograms then show that area ( PBE) + area ( QCE) = ½ area ( ABC).
Q.9) In the given figure, if BE||CF and area (ABCE) = area (BDEF) then prove that AD|| BE.
Q.10) The area of parallelogram PQRS is 152 cm2. Find the area of rectangle PQXY. If the base PQ = 19 cm, find the height of the parallelogram.

Sunday 15 October 2017

class 10 / spherical mirrors

Spherical Mirrors

A mirror whose polished, reflecting surface is a part of a hollow sphere of glass or plastic is called a spherical mirror.
The spherical mirror is classified as:
  • Concave mirror
  • Convex mirror
1. concave mirror – a spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is bent inwards is called concave mirror.
2. convex mirror - a spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is bent outwards is called concave mirror.\

Terms related to spherical mirrors:
  1. Pole
·         The center of a spherical mirror is called its pole .
·         It lies on the reflecting surface of a spherical mirror
·         Is represented by letter P .
2.      Centre of curvature
·         The reflecting surface of a spherical mirror forms a part of a sphere. This sphere has a centre. This point is called the centre of curvature of the spherical mirror.
·         It is represented by the letter C.
·         The centre of curvature is not a part of the mirror. It lies outside its reflecting surface.
·         The centre of curvature of a concave mirror lies in front of it. However, it lies behind the mirror in case of a convex mirror.
3.      Radius of curvature
·         The radius of the sphere of which the reflecting surface of a spherical mirror forms a part, is called the radius of curvature of the mirror.
·          It is represented by the letter R.
·         The distance PC is equal to the radius of curvature.
4.      Principal axis
·         Straight line passing through the pole and the centre of curvature of a spherical mirror is called principle axis of the mirror.
·         The principal axis is normal to the mirror at its pole.

5.      Aperture of the mirror
·         Portion of the mirror from which reflection of light actually takes place is called the aperture of the mirror.
·         Aperture of the mirror actually represents the size of the mirror.
·         Distance MN represents the aperture.

Principle focus and focal length of a Spherical Mirrors

  • Consider light rays parallel to the principal axis are falling on a concave mirror. By observing the reflected rays we conclude that they are all intersecting at a point F on the principal axis of the mirror. This point is called the principal focus of the concave mirror.
  • In case of convex mirror rays get reflected at the reflecting surface of the mirror and these reflected rays appear to come from point F on the principle axis and this point F is called principle focus of convex mirror.
  • The distance between the pole and the principal focus of a spherical mirror is called the focal length. It is represented by the letter f.
  • There is a relationship between the radius of curvature R, and focal length f, of a spherical mirror and is given by R=2f which means that that the principal focus of a spherical mirror lies midway between the pole and centre of curvature.

Characteristics of Concave and a Convex Mirror

 Convex Mirror
 Concave Mirror
 Reflecting surface is curved outwards.
 Reflecting surface is curved inwards.
 The focus is virtual as the rays of light after reflection appear to come from the focus.
 The focus is real as the rays of light after reflection converge at the focus.
The focus lies behind the mirror
The focus is in front of the mirror
Diverging mirror
Converging mirror
Image Cann’t be projected on a screen
Image Can be projected on a screen
 Note :  A concave mirror is also known as a converging mirror as the parallel rays of light after getting reflected from the concave mirror converge at the focus.

A convex mirror is known as a diverging mirror as the parallel rays of light after reflection appear to come from a point, i.e., the rays diverge after reflection.

Saturday 2 September 2017



Q.1) A scooter starts from rest moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration and covers a distance of 64 m in 4 seconds. Calculate its acceleration and final velocity.
Q.2) In the given speed-time particle is moving in a straight line motion. Thus speed can be considered as velocity. Observe the given graph and answer the following question-
a) Calculate the value of acceleration for t= 0 to 20 sec, t= 20 to 50 sec, t= 50 to 100 sec.
b) What information u will conclude from the above values of acceleration?
c) Show which part of the graph represents uniform acceleration, zero acceleration and uniform retardation.
d) Calculate the total distance travelled.
Q.3) Velocity-time graph for body A, B and C is given. Which covers the maximum distance in given time?
Q.4) In the given distance – time graph of a body, answer the following questions
a) Calculate distance travelled in 20, 35 and 45 sec.
b) Distance travelled in last 10 sec.
c) Displacement carried in time 0 to 45 seconds.

Q.5) Cars of mass 1800 kg moving with a speed of 10 m/s is bought to rest after covering a distance of 50 m. Calculate the force acting on the car. Name the force and identify the direction of applied force.
Q.6) A body of mass 5 kg is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s. A force is applied to it so that in 25 seconds, it attains a velocity of 35 m/s. Calculate the value of force.
Q.7) The velocity-time graph of a truck is shown as below. The truck weighs 1000 kg.
a) What is the accelerating and breaking force acting on the truck?
b) Find momentum of car during t = 2 to 5 seconds
Q.8) How much momentum will a dumb-bell of mass 10 kg transfer to the ground floor if it falls from a height of 80 cm?
( g = 10 m/s2).
Q.9) A rifle of mass 3 kg fires a bullet of mass 0.03 kg. The bullet leaves the barrel of the riffle at a velocity of 100 m/s. Find the recoil velocity of rifle.
Q.10) from a rifle of mass 4 kg, a bullet of mass 50 kg is fired with an initial velocity of 35 m/s. Calculate the initial recoil velocity of rifle.

Thursday 31 August 2017



Revision for half-yearly Examination
       1.   Write the number names for 
            (a) 85,04,02,100 

       2.   Continue the pattern  
(a)           67,21,057     ,67,22,058  , __________,__________
(b)           6,72,26,021   6,82,26,021   __________,_________

3.Write in the standard form
(a) 6000000+500000+40000+3000+200+10+1

4.Arrange in ascending order
(a)18653496   338534896     438534896    999999999
(b)22262222   22622222  26222222   22226222

5. Arrange in descending order
(a) 921467352   86345943   73546265   289453207
(b)578321   578342109   578342100  47832100

6.Write the smallest and greatest number using the digits  2,5,3,0,1,6,9,7,8

7.Round the numbers to the nearest lakh
(a)8,50,000   (b)4,18,399

8.  Write in roman numerals
(a) 2350  (b)979

9.Write in Hindu Arabic numerals



12.Multiply  (a)4038  by 211   (b)3547 by  764

13.Write the quotient and the remainder for
(a)70,80,901÷10,000     (b) 3,46,538÷1000

14.(a) 5,19,460÷264    (b)5,26,002÷374

15.(a)(3x4)-2   (b)  5-(2x2)

16.Find the average of the first six multiple of 2.

17.In five one-day matches Sachin scored the following runs :126 ,38,56,82,123. Find his batting average.

18.List all the  prime factors of (a) 32   (b)  64

19.Construct factor trees for : (a)96   (b)  120

20. 1 , 3, 5, ___,___,____,____.

21. 1, 2, 5 , 14 ,___, ____, ____.

22.Find the HCF using the Successive method
(a)  290,203,145  (b)891,1215,1377

23.Find the LCM OF  (a)65,115,130  (b) 256,64,144

24. The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 48 and 288 respectively .One of the numbers is 144.Find the other number.

25.In a school the duration of a class in the primary section is 40min and in the secondary section it is 1 hour. If both section begin school at 10a.m .When will the two bells ring together again.

26.Three children are walking .Their steps measure 36cm,72cm and 90cm.If they step from a line AB,their steps will fall together again at line CD.What is the distance between AB and CD?

27.The rent of a house is ₹18,000 per year.What is the rent for 8 months ?

28.The weight of 25 bags of sugar is 625kg.Find the weight of 100 bags of sugar.

29.The marks obtained out of 10 by sumit in different subjects is : English-7, Hindi-8, Math- 10, Science-7,social studies-6 computer-5
Present the information (a)tabular form  (b) pictograph

30. ) 40 Children of class 5A were asked about the snack they liked the most.The result was as follows:
Samosa:20 ; Dhokla:10   Pizza :5 ,Vada:5 Represent the data in a circle graph  .

31.What is the product of the largest 4-digit number and the largest 2-digit number?

32.Mr.Nixon earns ₹12,560 per month .He saves half of this amount.If he saves the same amount for 10 years ,how much money would he save?